Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)
Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)
Did You Ever File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? Not Really?! (A Short Story About Dabblers and Debtors)
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott LaninWhat The Heck Is MERS?
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott Lanin    The New York Court of Appeals (the highest court in the State) recently issued an interesting decision about MERS, an entity that seems to show up in the caption of many clients’ foreclosure actions. Most clients don’t know what MERS is or why it is suing them. Read on – http://www.courts.state.ny.us/reporter/3dseries/2006/2006_09500.htm
Did You Ever File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? Not Really?! (A Short Story About Dabblers and Debtors)
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott Lanin    This is one of the first things I always ask new callers. I need to know if I am dealing with a potential repeat Chapter 13 filing and the whole can of worms that opens up (with unhappy trustees and judges, with restrictions on the automatic stay, etc). What never ceases to amaze me […]
What The Heck Is MERS?
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott Lanin    The New York Court of Appeals (the highest court in the State) recently issued an interesting decision about MERS, an entity that seems to show up in the caption of many clients’ foreclosure actions. Most clients don’t know what MERS is or why it is suing them. Read on – http://www.courts.state.ny.us/reporter/3dseries/2006/2006_09500.htm