Commercial Litigation & Appeals
Mortgage Foreclosure Defense
Loan Modification
Business Law
Cases and disputes can vary in complexity. Some can be handled in a routine 20 minute phone consult. More complex matters will require time to review and analyze documents and legal issues. If your matter is more complex, we may offer you a paid one hour consultation or hourly services, depending on the time needed to properly evaluate your situation. We always require a signed retainer agreement before we begin to provide legal services. The agreement will detail the scope of services included as well as your rights as a new client.
Lanin Law P.C.
330 W 38th St., Suite 506
New York, N.Y. 10018
(212) 764-7250
*on W38th St. between 8th and 9th Avenues, walking distance from Port Authority, Times Square, and Penn Station
How To Save Legal Fees And Lose Your Home in Foreclosure
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott LaninDo pro se debtors ever confirm Chapter 13 plans to save their homes? Read more
Detailed New Chapter 13 Form For Southern District Of NY Bankruptcy Court Is Approved
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott LaninThe US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York has adopted a new form Chapter 13 plan for 2009. The plan is very long – almost like a mini-Chapter 11 plan – and it appears that a lot of careful thought was put into it but it is terribly detailed and time-consuming. The form can be found on the Court’s site. I handle cases in this District for homeowners from Manhattan, Bronx, Rockland and Westchester counties. One noticeable feature that has been added to the plan for the first time is an option for debtors to express an interest in discussing loss mitigation (such as loan modification, loan refinance, short sale, or surrender in full satisfaction) concerning the debtor’s real property.
Foreclosures Are Increasing
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott LaninAccording to the Wall Street Journal, there are a rising number of troubled mortgages. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122848957359182795.html?mod=googlenews_wsj
Borrowers Be Careful Of Misleading Rescue And Modification Sites
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott LaninAs I near the close of my second full year of blogging on New York’s foreclosure laws, I thought back to my first post. I discussed the misleading nature of the many foreclosure rescue websites out there. Since my readership has grown, and continues to grow as the country experiences the worst foreclosure crisis in history, I thought it would be a good time to share my first post with new readers. Here it is: http://nyforeclosurelaw.com/2007/03/25/ny-foreclosure-law-blog-is-online-the-secret-is-out-you-may-have-alternatives/.
I suggest avoiding rescue and modification sites that:
1. Appear to be government sanctioned and are not (i.e, they use words like “Federal” in their name).
2. Are anonymous.
3. Do not identify any attorney involvement.
4. Are based out of state.
5. Offer a slick presentation and hype but little real content or facts.
6. That discourage one foreclosure solution over another in broad general sweeping language without considering the particular facts or laws.
A Win-Win Bankruptcy Reform – Modification Of Mortgages In Chapter 13
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott LaninHere is an interesting and well-written op-ed piece by US Bankruptcy Judge Rich Leonard who sits in the Eastern District of North Carolina. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/27/AR2008112702051.html
Illegal Loan Modification Schemes?
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott LaninApparently, California is now the hotbed for foreclosure rescue and loan modification scams. Clients and new callers tell me often how they were contacted by various scammers, or, worse yet, how they sent money to retain a scammer, only to find out later that calls are not returned and the loan modifcation is not processed. If there is any lesson to be learned out there in the new wild west of loan mods, it’s that homeowners should hire an experienced lawyer. At least lawyers are regulated and licensed. And even some of them appear IMHO to have crossed the line, going well beyond what is allowed or beneficial to the client.
Here are some of the laws, ethical concerns, and compliance issues that may be implicated by the new schemes that are popping up: Read more