Commercial Litigation & Appeals
Mortgage Foreclosure Defense
Loan Modification
Business Law
Cases and disputes can vary in complexity. Some can be handled in a routine 20 minute phone consult. More complex matters will require time to review and analyze documents and legal issues. If your matter is more complex, we may offer you a paid one hour consultation or hourly services, depending on the time needed to properly evaluate your situation. We always require a signed retainer agreement before we begin to provide legal services. The agreement will detail the scope of services included as well as your rights as a new client.
Lanin Law P.C.
330 W 38th St., Suite 506
New York, N.Y. 10018
(212) 764-7250
*on W38th St. between 8th and 9th Avenues, walking distance from Port Authority, Times Square, and Penn Station
Home Equity Theft Prevention Act Seriously Hurt Homeowners In Foreclosure By Scaring Away Investors – The Law Of Unintended Consequences
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott LaninIn the current foreclosure crisis, I am reminded of this article regarding the Home Equity Theft Prevention Act. I knew the New York Legislature had good intentions but they very badly hurt the people they were trying to protect. Most investors have been hesitant to buy property as part of a foreclosure bailout because of the law, as well as the restictions on available financing and the decline in property values.
More Foreclosures Than Ever Before
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott LaninMSNBC.com is reporting that the first quarter of 2008 set a record for the number of foreclosures. Here is the link.
Billions In Home Equity Lines Suspended
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott LaninThe NY Times is reporting that home equity lines of credit are being suspended by major lenders nationwide. This is a continuing trend resulting from lenders’ fears about declining home values. Here is the article.
Resetting Rates and No Equity
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott LaninI’m getting calls daily from people in foreclosure. They all seem to have similar situations – very little or no equity in their property and adjustable rate loans that are difficult to pay. For almost all, refinancing, even with hard money lenders, does not seem possible. I have been focusing primarly on forbearance agreement and modification negotiations, Chapter 13 bankruptcy and foreclosure defense litigation. Things have changed a lot since 2005.
Mortgage and Equity Line Money Harder To Find
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott LaninFor those in foreclosure, one traditional solution has been to find a new lender and refinance – to start all over again with a brand new loan. In today’s market, this has become extremely unlikely. The NY Times has a report on this in tomorrow’s paper: Mortgage Lenders Raise The Bar, 5/18/08 NY Times. To read about other ways out of foreclosure, click on “Soultions, Strategies & Alternatives” link in the right sidebar on this blog. All of the prior posts on this topic are available for viewing. Or, call or email me if you have a specific problem you’d like to discuss.
NYC Protesters Demand Freeze On Foreclosures
/in Foreclosure & Loan Mod Blog /by Scott LaninHere is a youtube video from the The Real News of a December 2007 protest in New York City. If you click on the link, a new window will open with the video. This blog window will still be open after you close out the video page.