Breaking News – Steven Baum Foreclosure Firm May Close

The upstate New York foreclosure mill run by Steven Baum appears ready to close according to an article by the New York Law Journal this morning. For many of my firm’s clients who are in foreclosure proceedings with this firm and the lenders they represent, this is a welcome thing. Dealing with this firm in foreclosure actions and loan modifications has usually been a frustrating experience for years and their “inadvertent errors” in court filings due to “human error” have recently been called into question resulting in a $2 million fine announced by the US Attorney’s Office according to the article. Here is the full story.

Buying A Home After Foreclosure

Here is an article about buying a home after foreclosure.

What Delays A Foreclosure

Here is an article on the delays foreclosures are experiencing.

Depositions – Testing Fear And Weakness

In the martial arts, you can sometimes see fear or uncertainty in the eyes of an opponent or attacker. Sometimes you cannot see it until you are under way. Litigation is like that. People huff and puff that they will blow your house down but it is not until they are confronted that you really see if they mean it. The earliest time that this typically occurs in litigation is at the deposition. That is when a party must testify under oath about their case. Read more

Tips For Collecting Judgments – Hint: It Starts When You Form The Customer Relationship, Not When It Breaks Down

If you obtain a judgment against a client or customer, what’s next? Well you might consider trying to locate and levy on a bank account or try to garnish salary. A smart practice for a businessperson is to start thinking about this at the beginning of the customer relationship when things are good, not at the end when things may have fallen apart. Read more