Credit Counseling Is A Useless and Mean Requirement In Chapter 13 Cases
Congress decided in 2005 to revise the Bankruptcy Law and make…
Foreclosure Crisis – Who’s To Blame?
There is an on-going debate about who is to blame for the current…
Foreclosures Are Increasing
Foreclosure filings are up more than 57% from a year ago and…
Disappearing Equity Lines And Mortgage Foreclosure
It's hard enough now to get a new home equity credit line. Lenders…
Four Reasons To File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Here are what I'd consider to be the four main reasons why someone…
Senate Fails To Fix Bankruptcy Code Provision Regarding Home Mortgages
I just received this email from the President of the National…
Foreclosure and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – The Price Of Waiting Until It’s Too Late
Yesterday, a nice client was supposed to come in and meet with…
White House Mortgage Relief Falls Short is reporting that the White House mortgage relief plan…
Tinkering With Chapter 13 While Rates Reset
It's being reported that the Congress is still hotly contesting…