Will The REO Time Bomb Result In More Loan Mods?
Apparently, the real estate market and foreclosure crisis are…
Illegal California Loan Modification Companies Under Investigation – The Moral Of the Story: Hire A Licensed Local Attorney
CNBC.com is reporting that illegal California loan modification…
Watch Out For Non-Attorney Foreclosure Rescue Scams Promising Loan Modifications
The New York Times has an interesting article on my latest pet…
American Bankers Association Slams The Citibank Mortgage Modification Deal
It is being reported that the American Bankers Association is…
Citigroup May Agree To Allow Residential Mortgage Modifications In Chapter 13 Bankruptcy – This Could Impact Foreclosure Resolution In A Very Big Way
I got this very important email today from the President of NACBA…
The Crisis Within The Crisis; Non-Attorneys and Out-Of-State Attorneys Making a Mess Of Loan Modifications (Why Homeowners Need Local Attorneys)
There is only one way that a loan modification should be handled…