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Second Mortgages Shed Through Bankrutpcy

Here is a good article about getting rid of 2d mortgages in bankrutpcy.…

Homeowner’s Lose One In Foreclosure War

In recent years, foreclosure practice has become very messy in…

Feds Sue Deutsche Bank, Alleging Mortgage Fraud

The federal government has sued Deutsche (DOY'-chuh) Bank. It…

Has A Silly Reason Derailed Your Loan Mod?

Many clients come to me after being denied for a loan mod that…

Think About Signatures On Your Copies Of Agreements And Tax Returns

It always amazes me how often lawyers, accountants and title…

NY Attorney General Issues Subpoena To State’s Largest Foreclosure Firm

A New York investigation appears to center on the Steven J. Baum…

Big Settlement With Plaintiff Foreclosure Firm

The New York Law Journal through is reporting on a major…