New Jersey Is About To Freeze Foreclosures

Here is an article discussing a recent order issued by the New…

Migrating Our Bankruptcy Files From Bestcase to EZFiling Software

For many homeowners, filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a solution…

‘Twilight Zone’ Foreclosure Law Firm Draws Fine, Suits in New York Courts has an interesting article about a law firm that…

The Latest Developments With The Lack Of Standing Defense (Show Me The Note)

Lack of standing means that the lender does not have a legal…

Chase Loan Mod Success! How We Turned A Champ Into a Hamp

A client came to me a few months ago after Chase denied him for…

Mortgage Flaws

"The disarray stemming from flawed foreclosure documents could…

Does Q1222-01 Require Your Lender To Modify?

Q1222-01 of the Supplemental Documentation - Frequently Asked…

Foreclosure Attorneys Must Now Certify That Court Papers Are Accurate

Much like Congress did with Chapter 7 bankrutpcy, the NY courts…

Florida Attorney Becomes Client’s Creditor So Client Can Pay For Foreclosure Defense

One firm in Florida came up with the idea of taking a second…