Stated Income Loans Disappear – Hard Times For Self-Employed Trying To Get A New Mortgage Loan

The NY Times has written an interesting article about the difficulty…

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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris…

Mortgage Nightmares

Here is an article about mortgage troubles.

Successful Loan Modification With CitiMortgage

We just assisted one of our firm's clients in obtaining a loan…

Short Sales Can Take A Long Time

Here is an interesting article about the difficulty of trying…

SEC Charges Fraud By Goldman Sachs In Mortgage Deal

The Securities and Exchange Commission has accused Wall Street…

Why Struggle For Years To Save A Property With No Equity? Forecasts for Underwater Owners

Many homeowners have no equity as a result of over-leveraging…

NCLC Class Action Litigation To Challenge Lender’s Failure To Convert Trial HAMP Loan Modifications To Permanent Ones

The question is this: can you sue to enforce a trial loan modification?…

New Deadline For Suspension Of Foreclosure Sales After Submission Of A HAMP Request For Loan Modification

New Supplemental Directive 10-02 which takes effect 6/1/10 states…