Hard Money Lending Goes Legit?
It looks like hard money lending is alive and well and has gone…
If You’re Going To Lose Your Home, Why Not Lose Your Debts Too? (Or When Life Gives You A Lemon, Make Lemonade)
The NY Times has an interesting article about homeowners abandoning…
Commercial Real Estate Is About To Go Bust
Here's an article by MSNBC.com on the "double bubble" and commercial…
41 People Charged in Mortgage Rip-Offs – Part 2
Here is the link to part 2 to yesterday's post, as reported by…
41 people charged in mortgage fraud in NY
Federal authorities have charged 41 people in a mortgage fraud…
Foreclosures Are Up
MSNBC.com is reporting that foreclosures are up.
Personal bankruptcies up 41 percent
MSNBC.com is reporting on the increase in personal bankruptcy…
Forbearance Alternatives
The NY Times has an article in tomorrow's paper about forbearance…
Home Affordable Mortgage Program (HAMP) – Postponing The Sale
If your mortgage loan is scheduled for foreclosure soon, what…