Borrowers Be Careful Of Misleading Rescue And Modification Sites

As I near the close of my second full year of blogging on New York’s foreclosure laws, I thought back to my first post. I discussed the misleading nature of the many foreclosure rescue websites out there. Since my readership has grown, and continues to grow as the country experiences the worst foreclosure crisis in history, I thought it would be a good time to share my first post with new readers. Here it is:

I suggest avoiding rescue and modification sites that:

1. Appear to be government sanctioned and are not (i.e, they use words like “Federal” in their name).
2. Are anonymous.
3. Do not identify any attorney involvement.
4. Are based out of state.
5. Offer a slick presentation and hype but little real content or facts.
6. That discourage one foreclosure solution over another in broad general sweeping language without considering the particular facts or laws.