Investors Are Slowing Down On Foreclosure Purchases – It’s Not An Easy Path To Riches

Smartmoney is reporting that investors are slowing down on foreclosure purchases. There are a few reasons for this that I have seen in my practice, including the softening of the real estate market, tightening of lender guidelines, the renovations needed by many properties, and the limited equity that many homeowners have. These factors all reduce the profit that any investor might try to make by flipping the property. What does this mean for the homeowner? It means that if you decide to try to sell before the auction date (in order to prevent a sale), or sell and leaseback with an option to repurchase, it would be smart to begin the process as soon as possible. Finding a qualified and interested investor/buyer may be difficult.

Here’s the story –

Buying a Foreclosed Home Isn’t Easy in Today’s Market
By Aleksandra Todorova – Published: April 18, 2007

THE COURTHOUSE IN Queens County, New York, was brimming with chatter on a recent Friday morning, as more than 150 people showed up for the county’s weekly foreclosure auction, a stage in the foreclosure process where banks put up for sale properties in default.

Potential buyers — real estate investors as well as everyday folks looking for a good deal on a home — inspected the property lists posted outside the courtroom before filing into the crowded courtroom. The banks’ representatives, easily recognizable in their dark suits, lugged around bulky suitcases and folders before taking seats in the front rows.

But once the auction began, the excitement faded away. One house after another sparked little enthusiasm among the buyers and was sold back to the bank carrying the mortgage.

In all, only 10 of the 30 houses for sale were bought by third parties. Mickey Higgins, who represents banks in foreclosure auctions, sold just one of 11 listings he had for that day. That’s not unexpected, he says, as finding good deals in foreclosures these days is much harder than it has been in the recent past. “During the late 1990s and early 2000s, flippers had their glory days of buying houses and selling them at a profit,” he says. “Now, even the professional investors who come here every week just sit with their hands in their pockets.”

This may sound counterintuitive to just about anyone who reads the news. After all, the number of foreclosures on the market is rapidly increasing. In the first two months of 2007, the number of homes that went into foreclosure was up 12% nationwide compared with the same time last year, according to, which tracks foreclosure data and provides access to such listings for a monthly fee. And that’s just an average. In Nevada, which has the highest foreclosure rate in the nation, foreclosures were up 77% in February compared with the same time last year. (New York City saw a 47% increase between January and March this year compared with the same period in 2006, according to the Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy Project, or NEDAP.)

This surge has spiked interest among the public and businesses alike. Earlier this month, Yahoo joined a multitude of services offering access to foreclosure listings with its new Foreclosure Center, formed in partnership with RealtyTrac., which also provides access to listings for a fee, saw paid membership increase 35% this January and has grown at that pace every month since, according to its CEO Brad Geisen.

But whether these folks are finding any great deals is another story.

If anywhere, you’d expect foreclosure deals to be plentiful in Adams County, Colo. Last year, the region had one foreclosure listing for every 14 households, the highest rate in the state of Colorado, which is second only to Nevada in foreclosure rates nationwide. (And even in Nevada, the highest foreclosure rate was one for 30 households in Clark County.)

But that doesn’t mean people are snatching up deals. Carol Snyder, who oversees foreclosure listings as Public Trustee for Adams County, says foreclosure auctions are quite uneventful. “Last week we had 114 properties that went to sale, and we had five people [attend],” she says. “One was bidding. And he bid on one property out of the 114.”

The reason? Foreclosures aren’t the quick path to riches many imagine. “Some people show up [at the auctions] to observe and see if it’s something that’s easy and a quick way to make money,” she says. “A lot of them find out it takes a lot more work than they think.”

To be sure, getting a deal on a foreclosed property isn’t impossible. But before you cough up the $40 monthly fee for a foreclosure-listing web site or worse yet, hundreds of dollars for a seminar, make sure you fully understand the challenges.

So why are so few foreclosed properties bought at the auctions? Simple math: In most cases, these homes are now worth less than the mortgages behind them, says Higgins. “There’s no profit to be squeezed out of these properties anymore,” he says. In many of these homes, equity was drained out with one refinancing after another. That was fine while property values were constantly rising, but not now when they’ve headed in the opposite direction, Higgins explains.

That’s especially true for mortgages taken at the height of the real estate market, says Jessica Davis, editor of Profile Publications, a listing of foreclosures and auction schedules for the New York City area. “The problem is a lot of the mortgages going into foreclosure now were made in 2005 and 2006,” she says. “There’s not a lot of wiggle room there.” Many of these loans were made for more than 100% of the property.

Keep in mind, too, that at foreclosure the bank adds on to the mortgage cost any other interest and fees that have accumulated since the beginning of the process. Depending on how long ago the original owners stopped paying, thousands of dollars in interest and fees may be tacked onto the original mortgage.

All this makes deals that much harder to come by at the preforeclosure stage, as well, which is the time between the owner receiving a notice of default from the lender and the actual auction. During preforeclosure, investors can approach the homeowners with offers meant to benefit both sides: They’ll buy the house for more than the homeowners owe the bank, but less than its actual market value. But if the home is worth less than what the homeowner owes the bank, such deals become impossible.

Distressed Homes
That means bargain-hunters looking to buy foreclosed properties must deal with the bank, rather than with the former homeowners. Once banks take their properties back at auction, they put them on the regular market. This is known as a REO, or real estate owned property. According to’s Geisen, this is the best way to find deals because banks will put homes on the market at or below market value and absorb any losses. The idea is that as they get loaded up with foreclosed properties, they’ll be under pressure to sell and will thus be more negotiable.

Indeed, facing a glut of foreclosed properties, some banks are now starting to lower their “asking” prices at auctions — their upset prices, in industry-speak, which are the sum of the outstanding mortgage and interest and fees — to make them more appealing to potential buyers. But this is still an emerging trend that hasn’t caught up everywhere. Whether a lender will lower a property’s upset price typically depends on where the property is and how many other foreclosures that lender is faced with, says Larry Loik, founder of the Real Estate Investor Network in California. It is possible to find such properties in Los Angeles County, for example, but not in Orange or Vernon Counties, Loik says.

And even if you see such “discounts,” that’s not to guarantee you’re getting a house that is worth more than that on the market. Brad Charnas, an appraiser in Cleveland, Ohio — which in February 2007 had the second-largest number of foreclosed properties bought back by banks, according to — say he has yet to see a foreclosed property sell for less than it’s really worth. “They might sell for less than [regular] homes,” Charnas says, “but that’s because they’re worth less.”

Foreclosed homes are typically in worse condition than most, especially if the owners have been in financial difficulty for a while and have left the house in disarray. Utilities have likely been turned off, so you don’t know if the piping or water tank work properly. In short, what you may save in home equity, expect to make up for in sweat equity.

Original story source