Entries by Scott Lanin

NYC Foreclosure Rescue Scam Winds Up In Court

One foreclosure solution that some homeowners try is called the sale-leaseback, where they sell the property to an investor and lease it back for a period of time, often with an option to repurchase. This alternative has many ptifalls and is usually only a last resort for someone who cannot qualify for refinancing and for […]

Intro to Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and the Budget – It Can Stop Foreclosure

     Chapter 13 bankruptcy.  What is it?  Basically a repayment plan that consolidates your unsecured debts (like credit cards) and gives you 3 to 5 years to pay them off.  Mortgages, however, are not paid in full in Chapter 13.  Rather, they are reinstated.   What does this mean?  Well, when the mortgagee declares a default […]

Civil Rights Groups Call for 6-Month Halt to Foreclosures

     The Associated Press is reporting that a Civil Rights group is calling for a moratorium on foreclosures because they claim that many subprime lenders made loans to people who really couldn’t afford to make the payments.  I don’t expect that there will be any stoppage of foreclosures and would recommend that all clients with mortgage problems take immediate […]

Alternatives For Homeowners in Foreclosure (Part 2 of 2)

In my March 27, 2007 Part 1 post, I discussed some of the alternatives available to homeowners, including workouts and refinancing. In this Part 2, I will explore other alternatives such as Chapter 13 bankruptcy, litigating in the foreclosure action (i.e., answering the complaint and asserting defenses or counterclaims), and selling your property. Chapter 13 […]

What The Heck Is MERS?

     The New York Court of  Appeals (the highest court in the State) recently issued an interesting decision about MERS, an entity that seems to show up in the caption of many clients’ foreclosure actions.  Most clients don’t know what MERS is or why it is suing them.  Read on – http://www.courts.state.ny.us/reporter/3dseries/2006/2006_09500.htm