Operating Agreements
Many small business owners try a do-it-yourself approach using forms from the internet. Operating agreements may seem like something that anyone can draft, but because of the risks involved, an experienced business attorney should always review these agreements. An operating agreement governs important matters like voting rights, appointments, the election of officers and directors, distribution of income, termination of membership, withdrawal of members, arbitration and litigation, and dissolution. The drafting of these agreements should be handled with extreme care. Creating an operating agreement that is capable of foreseeing each of the issues that a company may face is very difficult, but through over 30 years of experience, Lanin Law P.C. has seen many ways that business relationships can fail, and that is why we are perfectly suited to help you. We will talk to you, understand your goals, and help you draft an operating agreement that will help you reach those goals. Call us for a free and confidential phone consultation. We will share our knowledge with you and help get your business up and running.