Mortgage Aid Programs Flop

So far the government's attempts to help hundreds of thousands…

Foreclosures Spike 25%

Foreclosures spike 25 per cent year-on-year - Real estate- m…

A Blueprint For Predatory Lending Claims Under New York Law

Early this year the Richmond County Supreme Court issued an important…

Another Predatory Lending Case And It’s A Doozy

It never ceases to amaze me but this latest one is a doozy. …

McCain Shocker – Proposes To Have Government Buy Mortgages And Modify Them

Did I hear Senator McCain correctly at the last debate? I think…

Bailout/Rescue Plan Not Likely To Have Any Direct Immediate Impact On Financially Troubled Homeowners

The National Association of Bankruptcy Consumer Attorneys (NACBA)…

Bailout ignores all the empty houses

Here is a good blog post on called "Bailout ignores…

Beware Of Foreclosure Rescue Scams From Non-Attorneys

I have blogged on this topic before but it appears to be a continuing…