The Show Me The Note Foreclosure Defense Backfires On Attorney
Judge Slams Attorney for "Frivolous Show-Me-the-Note" MERS L…

Lanin Law P.C. Prevails In Kings Supreme Court: The Doctrine Of The Law Of The Case Defeats A Lender’s Summary Judgment Motion
We just defeated a lender’s summary judgment motion in a commercial…

Affirmations That Foreclosure Papers Are Accurate – Good or Bad?
Here is an interesting post concerning the backlog in the New…

Foreclosure Shadow Docket Legislation
New York has passed a law designed to try to expedite foreclosure…

Bank Forecloses On Family For Doing Exactly What Bank Told It To Do
I am currently litigating a case in Kings Supreme Court with…

Independent Foreclosure Review fiasco
Here is an interesting article on the government's Independent…

The Taxable Downside of Debt Forgiveness
Here is a good Wall Street Journal article that has implications…

New Rules Aim To Protect Homeowners From Foreclosure
New Rules Aim To Protect Homeowners From Foreclosure

Borrowers To Get $8.5 billion In Foreclosure And Mortgage Settlement
Borrowers To Get $8.5 billion In Foreclosure And Mortgage Se…

The Secrets Your Bank Statements Will Tell Can Hurt You In Bankruptcy Court
One of my clients just had his Chapter 13 case dismissed in the…