Sale-Leasebacks: Loans In Disguise
My firm just submitted a post-trial brief in a commercial case…

Establishing A Breach Of Fiduciary Duty In A Commercial Case
My firm just finished a trial in the Kings Supreme Court that…

New York’s Commercial Division – Electronic Filing
New York Supreme Court's Commercial Division changed to mandatory…

Depositions – Testing Fear And Weakness
In the martial arts, you can sometimes see fear or uncertainty…

Tips For Collecting Judgments – Hint: It Starts When You Form The Customer Relationship, Not When It Breaks Down
If you obtain a judgment against a client or customer, what's…

New York Courts Online
If you want to check out a court docket in a New York State case,…

Internet Law – Protecting Yourself From Domain Squatters
What do you if someone with no legal rights to your trademark…

How To Recoup Your Money After Borrower Fails To Pay
Here is a nicely written article on debt collection by a NJ attorney.…

Settlements in Litigation
It is often said that the best settlement is one where both sides…

Coming Soon!
Welcome to the New York Business and Real Estate Litigator Blog!…